St Marys Harbour Isles of Scilly

Duchy of Cornwall – Our Vision

The Duchy of Cornwall is a private estate established by Edward III in 1337 to his son and heir, Prince Edward.

Today the revenue from the Duchy of Cornwall Estate is used to fund the public,private and charitable activities of The Duke of Cornwall and his immediate family.

We have a clear vision for the future. We want to share our values and have identified those factors critical to our success.

Our Values & Behaviours

We are visionary

We are proactive, brave and innovative in meeting our objectives and encouraging our partners to do the same.

We plan for the future with imagination and wisdom.

We lead with integrity

We respect our heritage and the environment in our actions.

We strive to communicate openly and consistently.

We act responsibly

We are accountable, building trust with those around us.

We are caretakers of the past, present and future of the Duchy.

We encourage inclusivity

We foster a culture of community.

We treat customers, colleagues and critics professionally, mindfully and kindly.

Critical To Our Success


To provide a sustainable income stream for present and future Dukes of Cornwall. To realise capital to allow long term reinvestment opportunities to be resourced. To maintain a diverse property portfolio that meets the long term needs of stakeholders.


To employ the very best staff who feel empowered to succeed and contribute to the Duchy’s vision. To encourage staff development for everyone to reach their full potential. To recognise and celebrate our diverse workforce and their contribution to the Duchy’s vision.


To conduct our business in accordance with recognised standards of sustainable management that protect the planet.


To protect and enhance the Duchy’s reputation. To engage with and inform our key audiences. To build strong partnerships with our tenants and communities.


To be effective and trusted in our decision making. To ensure effective governance and management structures at all levels. To ensure staff have a clear understanding of the Duchy vision and how they contribute to it.

Contact the harbour

  • VHF:  Working Channel 14, call sign 'St Mary's Harbour'
  • Telephone: 01720 422768
    OUT OF HOURS (Emergency Only) : 07789 273626
  • Email:  [email protected]
  •  The Harbour Office, The Quay, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0HU

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