St Marys Harbour Isles of Scilly



The Port Marine Safety Code applies to all harbours with statutory powers and duties, and aims to improve safety in UK ports and to enable harbour authorities to manage operations to a nationally agreed standard.


The revised edition was published in January 2018 and complete information can be found by following the link below. In short, the Code refers to the legal duties already existing through other legislation but does not create its own and provides the standard against which the policies, procedures and the performance of the Harbour Authority can be measured. In order to comply with the Code, St. Mary’s Harbour must:


  • Review and be aware of their existing powers.
  • Comply with the duties and powers under existing legislation.
  • Ensure all risks are formally assessed and considered.
  • Operate an effective Marine Safety Management System.
  • Use competent, trained and qualified staff.

St Mary’s Harbour Authority is audited annually to check ongoing compliance with the Port Marine Safety Code – see latest compliance declaration above.

Our Marine Safety Plan, Port Waste Management Plan and Harbour Policies can be found in the links below.

Contact the harbour

  • VHF:  Working Channel 14, call sign 'St Mary's Harbour'
  • Telephone: 01720 422768
    OUT OF HOURS (Emergency Only) : 07789 273626
  • Email:  [email protected]
  •  The Harbour Office, The Quay, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0HU

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