Resident and Local Information

Please see below our FAQ’s for resident and local harbour users:




  • How do I get a mooring in the harbour?
  • We have moorings to suit most size boats (16ft, 18ft, 20ft, 30ft and 40ft). When all of our moorings have been allocated, we have individual waiting lists for each size and can add you to one of these lists if required.


  • When will I be invoiced for my mooring?
  • We aim to send out invoices for moorings on the 1st of April each year. The invoice will cover the period from 1st of April to the  31st of October. We will contact you prior to the 1st of April each year to confirm if you wish to continue with the mooring for the upcoming season.


  • Do I need to insure my vessel?
  • Yes, all mooring holders are required to have a minimum of £3 million for boats on moorings which we will ask for a copy of each year.


  • Will strops be provided?
  • All mooring holders need to supply and fit their own strops. These can be fitted from 1 April each year and must be removed by 31 October. Cable ties should not be used to secure any shackles as single use plastic is discouraged.


  • Can I sub-let my mooring?
  • No, sub-letting of the moorings is not allowed. If you do not intend to use your mooring for the coming season we ask that you let us know in advance so that we can allocate the mooring to the next person on the waiting list.





  • Where can I find a list of the tariffs for the year?
  • These can be found in the tariff section on our website here.


  • Are there yearly price increases?
  • Our prices generally increase each year in line with inflation.



Running Lines


  • When will I be invoiced for my running line?
  • We aim to send out invoices for running lines on 1 April each year. The invoice will cover the period from 1 April to 31 March.


  • Do you supply the rope for the running line?
  • We are responsible for the ring/post at the top of the beach and for the ground chain at the lower part of the beach. You are required to supply your own rope along with a method of attaching to the ground chain.


  • When will I be invoiced for my mooring?
  • We aim to send out invoices for running lines on 1 April each year. The invoice will cover the period from 1 April to 31 October.


  • Is any maintenance required?
  • All running lines need to be kept tied up tight to avoid your vessel drifting over the lines of other users. Any build-up of seaweed needs to be cleaned off straight away to prevent the lines sinking and therefore not visible to other harbour users.


  • Do you have a user guide?
  • Yes there is link to one at the bottom of this page.



Beach Moorings


  • When will I be invoiced for my beach mooring?
  • We aim to send out invoices for running lines on 1 April each year. The invoice will cover the period from 1 April to 31 March.


  • Do you supply the rope and buoys for the beach mooring?
  • We are responsible for the ground chains to attach to. You are required to supply your own ropes along with a method of attaching to the ground chain and the pickup buoys.


  • When will I be invoiced for my mooring?
  • We aim to send out invoices for beach moorings on 1 April each year. The invoice will cover the period from 1 April to 31 October.


  • Is any maintenance required?
  • All beach mooring lines need to be kept tied up tight to avoid your vessel drifting over the lines of other users. Any build-up of seaweed needs to be cleaned off straight away to prevent the lines sinking and therefore not visible to other harbour users.


  • Do you have a user guide?
  • Yes there is link to one at the bottom of this page.



Rechabite Slip


  • Can I rent a space for my tender at Rechabite slip?
  • Yes you can but not through St Mary’s Harbour. You will need to contact the Isles of Scilly Council here.



Vehicles on the Quay


  • Are vehicles allowed access to the quay?
  • We want to minimise the number of vehicle movements on the quay and as such operate a permit system to commercial operators. We allow drop off and pickup to those issued with a quay permit but no permanent parking.  Invoices for these are sent out annually on 1 April and cover the period 1 April to 31 March.


  • Can I park on the quay?
  • We ask that all pickups/drop-offs are done as quickly as possible to avoid congestion.


  • Are there any times where vehicle access is restricted?
  • Between 1 April and 30 September, there is no vehicle access to the quay from 09.30 to 10.00. This is to help minimise pedestrian and vehicle interactions during the busiest period of tripper boat departures.



Rear of Quay


  • Can I go into the working area at rear of harbour building?
  • High visibility clothing must be always worn in this area being mindful of the freight operations taking place.





  • Can I use the quayside pontoon?
  • Yes the pontoon can be used for drop offs and pick ups but not to stay alongside.


  • Can I leave my tender on the pontoon?
  • Only commercial operators and visiting yachts can leave tenders alongside the pontoon.



Porthloo Storage 


  • How can I store my boat at Porthloo boat park?
  • Contact the harbour office who can give information about summer and winter storage of your vessel and trailer. The charge is calculated per metre of your vessel/trailer.


  • Is there any electricity or water supply?
  • Yes there are several bollards scattered around the boat park where water and electricity is dispensed. The bollarrds are operated with the use of £1 coins.


  • Is there any refuse and waste oil facilities?
  • The Harbour team collect black bag waste on Fridays at 13.00. Please leave black bags on the main road into the park ready for collection. Waste oil can be disposed of at the same time provided it is left in a suitable drum which will not be returned.



Quay Advertising Signs


  • Can I advertise my business on your advertising boards?
  • You will need to supply and fit your own advertising board. Please contact the Harbour office for further details.




Please see below links for the latest guidance issued for the harbour.

Contact the harbour

  • VHF:  Working Channel 14, call sign 'St Mary's Harbour'
  • Telephone: 01720 422768
    OUT OF HOURS (Emergency Only) : 07789 273626
  • Email:  [email protected]
  •  The Harbour Office, The Quay, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0HU