
St. Mary’s Harbour is the Competent Harbour Authority (CHA) for the provision of pilotage services within the Isles of Scilly.


The Isles of Scilly pilotage district comprises all waters within a 5 mile radius from the southern end of Samson Island (49 55.65’N, 006 21’W).


Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels (including sail training ships) navigating within the pilotage district of the Isles of Scilly except for His Majesty’s and foreign warships, Trinity House vessels engaged in the maintenance of navigation marks, vessels less than 30m in length and trawlers less than 47.5 metres in length.


The pilotage service is integral to ensuring safe and efficient navigation of vessels within the Isles of Scilly pilotage district. The CHA retains the services of four, highly skilled, marine pilots which includes a Senior Pilot who leads the team. These experienced professionals possess extensive knowledge of local maritime conditions, and their expertise is crucial in guiding vessels safely to their destinations. The team’s dedication to maintaining high standards of safety and operational excellence underscores the harbour’s commitment to providing reliable pilotage services for all maritime traffic.


To book a pilot please contact St. Mary’s Harbour or contact our local Port Agent (Scillonian Marine Consultants)  here.


Pilotage Tariff

GT From GT To Pilotage Charge
0 99 £425.00
100 499 £591.00
500 999 £661.00
1000 2,499 £1,326.00
2,500 4,999 £1,701.00
5,000 7,499 £2,047.00
7,500 9,999 £2,386.00
10,000 14,999 £2,558.00
15,000 29,999 £2,724.00
30,000 49,999 £3,067.00
50,000 100,000 £3,473.00

Contact the harbour

  • VHF:  Working Channel 14, call sign 'St Mary's Harbour'
  • Telephone: 01720 422768
    OUT OF HOURS (Emergency Only) : 07789 273626
  • Email:  [email protected]
  •  The Harbour Office, The Quay, St Mary’s, Isles of Scilly, TR21 0HU